Sunday, November 13, 2011

WishList Member WordPress Plugin to Convert Your Blog into Membership Site

WishList Member is a powerful membership script that can turn any WordPress blog into a full blown membership site.
The best part is, it’s easy to use. Just unzip, upload and within minutes you can have your own membership site up and running.

WishList Member Features

Unlimited Membership Levels
Your membership site can have as many “levels” as you want. So if you want “Silver”, “Gold” and “Platinum”, you can! Now you can charge more for a higher level of access – all within the same blog.
Simple Installation With New or Existing WordPress Blog
Whether you have an existing WordPress site or if you are starting a new one, installing WishList Member is a breeze. Just unzip the file, upload to your “plugins folder” and activate.
Flexible Membership Options
WishList Member gives you the ability to create Free, Trial or Paid membership levels (and any combination of all three).
Sequential Content Delivery
Depending on your setup, you may want to graduate your members from one level to the next. For example, members start at “Module 1? and after 30 days they are automatically upgraded to “Module 2?. That’s what the Sequential Content Delivery system is for.
Control Viewed Content
If you don’t want your members to see content they don’t have access to, just click the “Hide” button. This works REALLY well if you have a “modular” membership and only want people in “Module 1? to see “Module 1? and not “Module 2,3,4,5? etc.
Shopping Cart Integration
WishList Member seamlessly integrates with the most popular shopping cart systems including PayPal, ClickBank, and many more. Plus, WishList Member now has total integration with Cydec and Infusion.
Easy Member Management
At a glance you can see your members, their registration status, membership level and much more. It’s also a snap to upgrade members, move them to different levels, “pause” their membership or delete them entirely.
Multi-Level Access
WishList Member can go beyond just a membership site as you can easily give your members access to multiple levels within your membership (this works well if you’d like to create a central download location).
Total Content Protection
WishList Member gives you the ability to determine exactly what your members can access. You can even drill down and grant access to specific posts, pages, categories and comments for each membership level. The possibilities are endless!
Secure RSS Feeds
Secure RSS feeds allow your members to view their membership material in their favorite RSS reader. But, it also gives you complete control – non-members can’t access the feed and if a person stops paying, their feed automatically stops working.
Subscription Length Control
With this feature you can control the length of time each member has access to your membership site. Now you can automatically expire a membership after 3 days, 7 days or whatever time period you want.
Login Redirection
If you would like to control the first page your members see when they login, now you can. The best part is, you can have a different redirection page for each membership level. It’s perfect for adding welcome messages, updates, news and so much more.
“Sneak Peak” Content Display
Protecting your content is extremely easy because everything after the “more” tag is automatically protected for members only. So an eye-grabbing post title, combined with a compelling opening paragraph is more than enough to wet the appetite of non-members!
Custom Error Pages
When a person tries to access content they don’t have permission to view, they will be taken to an error page. Now you can determine what that page will be. This gives you the chance to encourage them to register or upgrade to a different membership level.
Partial Content Display
Let’s say you want the majority of a post to be displayed for non-members except for one sentence. With the Partial Content Display feature you can hide that “secret sentence” so that it only displays the “secret sentence” for your members. It’s very cool
Much, Much More!
WishList Member has a wide variety of additional features that expand the way you can use WordPress to build and grow your membership site. Plus, we’re always adding more based on suggestions from our customers.


For Further Reading,
premium Plugin


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