Friday, October 7, 2011

Post Notify – WordPress Email Notifications

Ever wanted to ensure all your readers get notified of new posts to your blog or website? Then this plugin is for you .This plugin will automatically send out nicely formatted HTML emails to all subscribed users on your WordPress site whenever a new post is published. You can also choose to schedule when emails are sent out, instead of emailing posts immediately after publication.
Post Notify comes with a default, very attractive email layout that should suit about everyone’s needs. For more advanced users, there are also custom CSS options included so that the emails can be customized to look exactly as you wish.


Email Formatting Features

  • HTML formatted emails
  • Complete email content control
  • Ability to control and include (or exclude):
    • Post date
    • Post title
    • Featured Thumbnail image
    • Email Subject
    • Site name
    • Post content, in complete or excerpt form
    • Post excerpt size
    • Post category
    • Continue reading link
    • Email footer
    • Phone number
    • Facebook link
    • Twitter link

Subscriptions Features

  • Automatically subscribe to post updates by registering as a site user
  • Manually subscribe to updates with a simple email submission form
  • Ajaxed email submission form
  • Shortcode for embedding email form into post, page, or widget
  • Email Validation

Scheduling Features

  • Send Emails as Delayed or Immediate
  • Choose what time delayed emails are sent out
  • Email all posts published each day with delayed scheduling

Email Style Features

  • Email background color with colorpicker
  • Email content background color with colorpicker
  • Email text color with colorpicker
  • Email footer background color with colorpicker

Advanced Styling Options

  • Additional email body CSS styles
  • Additional email content CSS styles
  • Additional email footer CSS styles



For Further Reading,
premium Plugin, Wordpress


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