Sunday, October 2, 2011

J.P. Schoeffel’s WordPress Traffic (plugins with videos)

Three Brand New Plugins Just Released that Put Your WordPress Blog on Autopilot!
 #. Poster Pro
Have Poster Pro do all the work for you!
* You tell it the articles you want to publish and when. Then just press a button and watch it go to work!
* Plus, each post is put into the category you specify,
* …and automatically tagged with keywords relevant to your article so that the search engines and directories can eagerly seek out and gobble up your newly posted content!

* You can even tell Poster Pro how often to post and how many blog postings to publish at once!
* No one will ever know you’re not doing all the work by yourself!
* Thanks to our ‘mass import’ feature, you can easily line up articles in the queue to be published – even years into the future, so it always looks like you’re taking the time to update and maintain your blog for years to come! (no limit on how many articles you import and queue at once)
* You can manage queued articles (edit, delete)
* You can manually post queued articles with the click of a button without waiting for the scheduled date to be reached
* All posted articles are stored and removed from the queue for ease of use
#2. Socialize-It Pro
Automatic and Smart submission of your blog posts to 30 social bookmarking services.
To date, you had to do it manually by submitting each one of your post to each one of the social bookmarking sites. Now, Socialize-It Pro handles it automatically for you and you won’t even have to lift a finger to promote your niche sites.
* This is where the program really shines. You can use Socialize-It Pro together with Poster Pro and automatically submit your blog posts to up to 30 different Social Bookmarking sites.
* What’s more, to help prevent spamming, Socialize-It Pro will only contact a random sampling of those sites for each article – so you never hit all the bookmarking sites with your posts all at once (a surefire way to get BANNED). You will even decide the ‘randomness’ level…
* Simply put – You’re in Complete Control!
* Socialize-It Pro will even generate a report for you of all the sites that it successfully submitted to – so you always know where your posts are going!
* You can even use Socialize-It as a standalone WordPress plugin (that is, if you want to maintain your blog the manual, “old fashioned” way…) You can also use Poster Pro by itself without the social bookmarking component.
When used together, you create a real hands-free, automatic machine that will post and notify for you tirelessly – as much, or as little as you want!
#3. The RSS Aggregator
Easy and unlimited Content at the Push of a Button!
The RSS Aggregator will let you publish content to your blog using RSS feeds. It’s an easy, hassle-free way to get updated content without having to manually research, write or edit your own articles!
* Enter the URL of the RSS feed you want to use
* You can enter as many RSS feed as you want.
* Tell the RSS Aggregator how many articles you want to post from the feed each time.
* You select if you want to also submit the posts to social bookmarking sites (it will then be done automatically)
* You can select if you want to link back to the source of article (the one from the RSS feed)
* All links have a “no-follow” tag
* Select the category (or categories) where you want the post to appear
* Select the tags you want to be added to each post and
That’s it! Just four easy steps to instant content!


For Further Reading,
premium Plugin, Wordpress


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